Upcoming events.

Sensual Sanctuary Retreat Sicily
to Jun 23

Sensual Sanctuary Retreat Sicily

Sensual Sanctuary is a sensory wellbeing retreat immersed in the wild, abundant land of Sicily, nestled amongst olive and almond groves, looking out to sea. In collaboration with the Zagara, this retreat will be a celebration of self discovery, creative expression and life's simple pleasures, with practices taught by a teacher from the Indian tradition and hosts from the island.

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Summer Equinox New Moon: Shakti Circle London

Summer Equinox New Moon: Shakti Circle London

Join for a magical evening celebrating the power of the new moon and the summer equinox. Connect with like-minded individuals in a sacred shakti circle as we harness the energy of the dark moon skies to integrate the year so far and set embodied intentions for the year ahead. This in-person event promises to be a transformative experience filled with meditative moments, movement, connection, celebration and community.

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Journey to the Senses

Journey to the Senses

In this session, Henika uses an ancient tantric text to create a space for you to explore the 5 gateways to the soul, through the senses. You will discover smells, taste, sound, touch and sight all infused with a sense of divinity as you take your journey to the senses and leave learning how to make life itself the meditation. This workshop works well in pairs, if you have a friend or partner you are interested in exploring this with, they are very welcome.

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Spring Awakening Spa Day Retreat

Spring Awakening Spa Day Retreat

We invite you to experience a day of deep love, connection and restoration. As we emerge into Spring, we will be sharing elemental practices from the sister sciences of yogic, tantric and ayurvedic wisdom to emerge from winter and bring the body, mind and spirit into deeper states of balance and clarity for the season ahead. From our signature Shakti Circle and celebrations to Shakti Flow yoga, walks in nature along a sensory trail to awaken the senses, a delicious lunch and soaking in red cedar hot tubs to boost circulation, ease stress and anxiety and deeply calm your muscles in the great British countryside.

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Journey to the Heart

Journey to the Heart

In this session, Henika combines tantric principles and knowledge of the energy centres to lead you on a journey to the heart. In this two hour workshop, you will be taken on an interactive journey to experience the chakra centres through playful exercises, mantra and movement which invite you to drop the masks of adulthood and enter a state of joy, self exploration and meditation. The workshop will culminate in a therapeutic art exercise to integrate the session through creativity.

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Valentine's Sensual Art: Yoni Painting

Valentine's Sensual Art: Yoni Painting

This is where sensual education to empower your pleasure, uplift shame and expand your self love meets creativity, painting and expression. School of Sensual Arts collaborates with ZenseSpace/Masterpeace, to create an informative and therapeutic arts session based in learning the pleasure anatomy of the yoni (sanskrit word for pussy) and creating art to heal old patterns which block us from accessing our highest pleasure whilst creating new ones to create deeper self love, acceptance and celebration.

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