Complimentary Shakti Circle
Celebrate Navratri, the tantric festival celebrating 9 nights of the goddess Durga with this embodied experience of the tridevi or the 3 eminent archetypes.
In this time of heightened consciousness for these practices, you’ll be guided in a dream journey to connect to your inner shakti power with tantric ritual and connection exercises.
Please note this is a LIVE transmission for you to feel the full effects of being held in circle space with other incredible souls from around the world!
See what a previous attendee had to say:
"I signed up with no clue what to expect, and it ended up being exactly what I needed. I had felt my heart energy centre closing and almost scaling over for the days and weeks prior, and I had struggled against that in my personal meditation. But in the course of a few hours with the amazing souls in the Circle, I felt my heart centre open and in fact, it feels full and ready to burst with love!" Bri, Canada
When and where
Sunday 2nd October 2022
A zoom link will be emailed to you on the week of attending
4-6pm BST = 11-1pm EST = 8-10am PST
Please only book this space if you intend to attend the Circle Space, this is important as complimentary events take time and energy to create and allow us to extend the space to those who may not usually be able to attend, we want to keep serving you so please think of your space in the circle as a sacred invite! Open your calendar and add a reminder before booking. If it helps to give an energy exchange, as we know this helps with setting intention to attend, an optional donation is invited and can be chosen from below.
Please note: this event is only available to those subscribed to the newsletter, there is an option to subscribe upon booking.